New Blog Post 9th September 2024
St Leonard’s Primary School, Exeter
Year 6
Week beginning 9th September
What a fantastic start to the new school Year!
Welcome to the new school year and our new look blog. We hope you find it useful! Please let us know if there is anything you think we could add to make it better!
The children in year 6 have certiainly hit the ground running! They are settling into their new roles as ‘top of the school’ with brilliant attitudes to their learning and their behaviours. We are very proud of the start they have made! Below you will find a snapshot of what they have been up to, and some key information for you as parents!
The Year 6 Team
In English, as a ‘warm-up’, the children have already written a short descriptive piece based on The Mysteries of Harris Burdick, and we have started reading Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell, which wiill be their inspiration for different writing genres, and our guided reeading, this half term.
In Maths, we have been focussing on securing and deepening our understanding of place value - up to 7 digits and beyond. These skills are the foundations for all our maths learning and so a solid understanding is essential.
Humanities - This half term we are studying a geographical topic through a historical lens! The children will be looking at the origins of ‘trade’ and understanding the Silk Road and its impact on the import and export of goods and services from around the world. Do you know where the Silk Road begins and ends?**
KEy dates and important information...
Residential - this is now only 2 weeks away! Please make sure that all medical (including allergies), dietary and contact details are up-to-date with the office. Medicines for the trip should be handed to your class teacher - by an adult please!
Parent information meeting - please join us in the Studio on Thursday 12th September at 5.30pm for a ‘welcome and information’ meeting with the year 6 team. We will cover many aspects of year 6 including expectations, communications, residential, SATs and homework! If you are unable to attend, the presentation will be maded available on the school website following the meeting.
** this might be a trick question!